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7 Foods That Can Help Reduce Bloating
  • Arati Shah

  • 09, Feb. 2023

7 Foods That Can Help Reduce Bloating

Is fitting into your old jeans a struggle? Do you feel too fat from the belly? Chances are that you are bloated! And it happens to the best of us. Clinical nutritionists are commonly seen working with patients suffering from bloating time and again. And, a nutritionist for women can help women understand their bodies better as women experience bloating more than men. Weight loss programs or weight management programs are sometimes not an answer to the feeling of being fat from the belly area. Sometimes it can be plain bloating that is making you feel fat there.  

So, what is bloating? Bloating is a common digestive condition with about 15 - 30% of people reporting the feeling regularly. Very often, people confuse water retention with bloating. Water retention is when body tends to hold excess fluid in the body and bloating occurs when there is a buildup of gas in the stomach or intestines leaving the person with an enlarged or distended stomach accompanied by pain, discomfort or a feeling of being stuffed. 

One also needs to consult the physician to rule out any underlying medical condition which maybe causing bloating like irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, etc. Causes of bloating can differ from person to person, but it can typically occur due to abnormal gut bacteria, slow digestion, sensitivity to food and distress. Alcoholic beverages like beer or sugary cocktails, wheat, dairy products, lentils, onions and cruciferous vegetables are some foods that can cause bloating in sensitive individuals 

There is no doubt that bloating can make one feel uncomfortable but if a wrong diet can cause it, a good diet can also help you relieve or prevent it in the first place. Below listed are some foods that can help you reduce bloating: 

  1. Herbal Teas: Herbal teas like Chamomile tea or Peppermint tea work as a natural remedy and have been in use traditionally to relieve bloating. Peppermint tea and oil both have been a well-known cure for various digestive conditions. The high flavonoid content in it can hinder the activity of the cells that contribute to bloating in the gut. Peppermint helps in the soothing and relaxation of the gut. On the other hand, Chamomile, herb from the daisy family can reduce bacterial infections which are associated to bloating. It is also high in flavonoids which give digestive benefits. 
  2. Curd: Curd helps in efficient digestion as it is rich in the good bacteria - probiotics. There is a fair amount of research that supports the fact that probiotics help in relieving digestive conditions especially bloating.  
  3. Papaya: Papaya is very similar to pineapple when it comes to its benefits for digestive health. It contains an enzyme, papain, which works as a mild laxative, helping the body to eliminate excess waste. Throwing some papaya pieces into your smoothies or topping it with some coconut flesh are interesting ways to add them in your daily diet. 
  4. Celery: This crunchy vegetable not only gives a fresh flavor to your salsa but also plays a role of a diuretic. It is a popular choice when it comes to digestive remedies. Celery excels in reducing gas and also helps in reducing excess water from the body. It is a gut friendly vegetable and contains healthy amounts of fiber which helps in improving the lining of the gut. 
  5. GingerGinger, an easily accessible superfood has worked wonders when we talk about digestive health. It helps in alleviating gas and reduces stomach pain. Ginger is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties, aiding to reduce inflammation and protect the stomach lining. Ginger tea can also help in providing similar benefits. 
  6. Pineapple: This tropical fruit is rich in a digestion promoting enzyme, bromelain. It helps in reducing bloating and also helps get rid of the gasTossing up some freshly sliced pineapple will help in breaking down the protein which is also a cause of bloating. Juicing the fruit or adding it to fresh salads are good ways to include it in your diet. 
  7. Lemon water: Lastly, the famous and favorite drink for many! A dash of fresh lemon juice with a pinch of rock salt in a glass of lukewarm water has many benefits, one of which is being a gentle laxative and a natural diuretic. It helps in flushing out the toxins and helps stimulate bile acids which improves overall digestion. 

The Last Word! 

Try to include these foods each time you are feeling bloated or know that a particular food will make you feel bloated. Whilst you are consuming these foods, make sure you are taking care of the other factors that can create bloating like - not exercising, food sensitivities like lactose or gluten intolerance, eating large meals or large portion sizes, irregular meal timings and lastly the prevalence of constipation. If you are constipated make sure you are eating enough fiber and drinking loads of liquids and the bloating too will disappear as the constipation starts curing.  

Bloating is not a grave medical condition but make sure you see a doctor if it occurs too frequently or the discomfort increases. If you are on a weight loss program or on a weight management program and are on excess fruits and vegetables, it is possible that you could have diet related bloating. Sometimes excess fiber can contribute to bloating if the body is not accustomed to so much fiber. clinical nutritionist can help you with scientific weight loss solutions which can help tackle bloating along with healthy weight lossShe can help introduce more fiber gradually so that your body gets used to it and does not cause symptoms of bloating. And, women may also experience bloating due to their fluctuating hormones. Making lifestyle modifications with the help of a nutritionist for women can help ease the discomfort during this period.