How A Dietitian Can Help With Athletic Performance Nutrition
  • Arati Shah

  • 23, May. 2022

How A Dietitian Can Help With Athletic Performance Nutrition

The nutritional needs of athletes are different in comparison to the general public. The requirements of the macronutrients and micronutrients are increased to perform at the maximum level and for peak recovery. A sports nutritionist can help an athlete meet the demand of training as well as maintain good health. Their task primarily constitutes advising athletes about the foods that should make up their diet given their body type, training routine and athletic goals. Along with nutrition knowledge, the sports nutritionist should also have knowledge about sports performance. 

 So, here is in detail, what a fitness nutritionist exactly does for peak athletic performance – 

  • The primary role of a sports nutritionist is to educate an athlete on how health, performance and recovery can be managed with different diet strategies. This includes diet strategies during the sporting event, during the season as well as during the offseason.  
  • The sports nutritionist also understands that the one size fits all approach does not work with every athlete. The physiological demands of each sport are different. So, the energy, protein and fat intake differ too. She works with every individual athlete to chalk out a different plan suiting him/her. The nutritionist while planning takes into account not only the nutritional requirements but ensures the food is appealing to the athlete. The food choices of the athlete are also taken into consideration in the planning stage.
  • Hydration is the key to good performance in any sport. The sports nutritionist also discusses hydration strategies with each athlete in order to avoid dehydration which brings down the performance.
  • Following a food, routine is important for an athlete – a good breakfast, pre and post workout foods and nourishing meals. The job of a nutritionist is to educate the athlete that eating matters every single day. An athlete cannot afford to eat foods that can destroy the hard work that they have put in. Similarly, pre and post workout meals with the appropriate nutrient composition will enhance performance, delay fatigue and help in quick recovery which can be scientifically planned by the nutritionist.
  • Supplements are important for an athlete – especially for strength, power and recovery. A sports nutritionist can help an athlete choose the appropriate supplements for the sport and thus help an athlete strive for optimal performance.

All in all, working together with an individual athlete or a team to help them perform at their best. Athletes need to peak at a given time during the season and a sports nutritionist can help the athlete achieve the peak through their diet. An athlete can work with a sports nutritionist in Mumbai for ensuring sufficient energy intake, along with other nutrients for peak performance and recovery. At the same time, the best dietitian nutritionist in Mumbai can help an athlete maintain the required body weight and body composition for the sport.