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7 Science Backed Reasons to Stay Hydrated
  • Arati Shah

  • 05, Sep. 2023

7 Science Backed Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Water is an essential component of our bodies, constituting up to 60% of our total body weight. Without an adequate supply of water, our bodies cannot function optimally, and our health can be compromised. Water plays a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions, making it indispensable for our overall well-being and survival. From the point of view of sports nutrition,water is important to avoid dehydration, muscle cramps and extreme fatigue. In weight loss programs, water helps in suppressing the appetite and helps in exercising more efficiently. Besides, water helps in removingthe body waste, maintaining the body temperature, removing waste, etc 

Here are 7 science-backed reasons to drink more water and stay hydrated: 

  1. Water's unique ability to absorb and transfer body heat enables every cell in our body to act as a temperature buffer, and when it promotes sweat production on the skin, it effectively regulates our body temperature. 

  1. The majority of blood consists of water, and inadequate water intake leads to dehydration, reducing blood volume and forcing the heart to work harder to pump less blood, thereby impairing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs. 

  1. Hydration is important for clear thinking. Productivity may sufferin dehydrationIt is important to remember that the body loses water all day making it necessary to replace it at regular intervals. Not drinking enough water also affects the mood. You tend to experience tiredness, fatigue, crankiness, and irritation with less water intake. 

  1. Drinking water in weight loss programs helps increase satiety and boosts metabolism. The hypothalamus in the brain controls both hunger and thirstSo, when one is thirsty, the person may perceive that to be hunger and eat. This can lead to weight gain. Hence,being well hydrated is essential in weight management programs. 

  1. Optimal hydration in a sports person ensures that the water inside and outside their muscle cells effectively delivers nutrients and removes waste, enhancing performance, while dehydration can impair muscle contractions and lead to muscle cramps. 

  1. Lack of hydration makes skin dry, flaky, and tight. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkling. Drinking enough water will help flush out the toxins and keep the skin healthy. 

  1. Frequent headaches can often be attributed to inadequate water intake, and finding relief can be as simple as ensuring proper hydration by drinking enough water.  

Plain water is the best to stay hydrated. However, incorporating herbal teas, lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk, vegetable soups, vegetable broths, fresh fruit juice, etc. can help in fulfilling the fluid requirement through the day.   

A practical method for assessing the body's hydration status is by observing the color of urine: darker urine suggests the need for increased water consumption, while lighter urine indicates proper hydration. To achieve a healthier lifestyle, consider consulting with the best dietitian in Mumbai for expert guidance on weight loss meal planning and optimal daily fluid intake recommendations.